Sunday, December 3, 2017


Es Shanghai

Untuk : 5 Porsi
1 Porsi : 154 kalori
Protein : 2,2 gram
Lemak : 3,9 gram
Kolesterol : 3,3 mg

200 gram avokad (alpukad), keruk atau potong-potong
100 gram kelapa muda, keruk memanjang
100 gram nangka matang,  potong-potong
100 gram cincau hitam, potong-potong
500 gram es serut
100 gram kolang kaling merah, potong-potong
100 gram rumput laut, potong-potong
5 sdm (sendok makan) sirup merah
5 sdm (sendong makan) susu kental manis

Cara Membuat:

  1. Siapkan wadah gelas atau mangkuk saji
  2. Letakkan dan susun cincau hitam, avokad/alpukad, kelapa muda, nangka, kolang kaling, rumput laut, es serut, sirup merah, dan susu kental.
  3. Sajikan segera...

1 comment:

  1. Is there a way to watch the NBA? Is there a way to watch the NBA
    So we have to do some research. It's very interesting to watch and it would be great if it youtube mp4 were available in the USA.
